Raiz Report

Gain valuable financial insights with Raiz's Report

Receive real-time visual analytics reports, tracking income and spending habits over time. Intuitive pie-chart breakdown that reveals your expenditures in categories. Empower yourself with data to make informed financial decisions.

Raiz Spend Wallet

Raiz's Analytics Report

Get an overview of your in-flow and out-flow over a period of time. Easily identify your peak seasons and your lows.

Get financial help with Flex Loans from Raiz! Click for quick assistance with unexpected expenses, bills, or opportunities.

Raiz Spend Wallet

Debit Pie-Chart

See a detailed comparison report of your various spending categories. Be it entertainment, shopping, or just data, easily spot out the worm in your financial can.

Raiz Spend Wallet


Set limits on how much you want to spend in different categories or just a total budget for the month and get visual reports that display previous budget performances.

We are not just your bank, we are your accountability partner that cares.